ALFRED® (ALumni and Foreign REsearchers Directory) was created in 1994 by acc&ss FnAK in order to establish and maintain an up-to-date database of mobile researchers who have worked in France. ALFRED® has been declared to the CNIL and allows to identify them as soon as possible in order to better accompany their stay, thanks to the EURAXESS Network.

Web Interface

To feed this database, the French EURAXESS Service Centres use a web interface.  The developments carried out or in progress are :

    • Creation of a personal space, where researchers can communicate with each other and with their EURAXESS Centre, according to their affinities or needs;
    • Putting researchers in touch with private service providers for their accommodation, with the Prefectures for their residence formalities, etc. ;
    • Putting researchers in touch with research organisations, to facilitate their recruitment and to build an active and efficient international network.


Any researcher/doctoral student can register on the acc&ss FnAK Web site to benefit from the support of the EURAXESS network. Once the form has been completed online, the Service Centre concerned can validate the registration and respond to requests.

Researchers’ files include all the information necessary for their support: profile and details of the stay (when, how, for what purpose and where). The EURAXESS Centres can follow in real time the « consultations » of their researchers regarding accommodation, formalities and integration. They can thus professionalise the support of international mobility.

ALFRED® enables EURAXESS Centres to ensure a real follow-up of the services provided to researchers/doctoral students and thus to improve the quality of their support. They can thus exploit their statistics and manage international mobility at their level, of course in compliance with the RGPD.