Meeting seven times since 2013, the scientific council of acc&ss FnAK is chaired by Edouard Brézin and vice-chaired by Pierre Braunstein. Composed of about fifteen people, its objectives are:
- To engage in strategic dialogue , at the highest level to facilitate the entry and stay of foreign researchers in France;
- To involve local authorities in order to benefit from their expertise in matters of attractiveness and international prestige of our regions;
- To involve the main national research and higher education institutions to benefit from their experience with foreign scientists;
- To inform national and regional political bodies on matters related to foreign scientists in France;
- To adapt the FnAK and EURAXESS mission to assist foreign researchers to the expectations of both the host laboratories and the guest researchers.
Scientific Council
Stratégie de recrutement
The recruitment of the best international talents is at the heart of the French research organisations’ strategy, which highlighted the stakes at the first meeting of the Scientific Council in Strasbourg in 2013. CNRS, INSERM, INRIA, IRD, Institut Pasteur and Univserities each marked the usefulness of:
- Identify as soon as possible, abroad, the researchers to be recruited for their research projects;
- Coordinate the arrival of researchers in mobility with their foreign partners;
- To share experiences and information on doctoral and post-doctoral students in order to identify the best research teams abroad.
Working Conditions
The Scientific Council has dealt with the different status of researchers within the institutions. The participation of the Ministry of Research made it possible to address working conditions from the point of view of funding and status:
- Anticipate formalities and shorten their deadlines, in order to free researchers from them and take full advantage of their potential;
- Include employer social security contributions in the financing of liberalities, or failing that, accompany the resorption of liberalities;
- Harmonize practices within institutions so that the work of female mobile researchers is compatible with their family life.
Research Career
In America, as in Europe, the voice of young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, is rising more clearly every day for a true recognition of their careers in the advancement of science. Today, mobile researchers choose their host institution for both its excellence and working conditions that are conducive to their careers. Faced with this new situation, the stakes are as follows:
- Reduce the administrative delays necessary to comply with the Prefecture, DIRRECTE, OFII and CPAM;
- Guarantee accommodation conditions that meet the expectations of the best international recruits;
- Integrate a professional guidance that is fulfilling in our establishments throughout the entire career, including mobility.
International Attractiveness
- Keep competitive entry and stay costs on our territory (visas, residence permits, etc.), particularly towards our European neighbours;
- Organize networking between alumni researchers and support their careers;
- Promote this support as part of our internationalization policy.