

Committee of Scientists for Ukraine

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Deeply shocked by the invasion of Ukraine by the army of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Sciences has publicly expressed on several occasions its solidarity with the Ukrainian Academies (The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and Junior Academy of sciences of Ukraine), and through them, with all scientists and, more generally, with the Ukrainian people.
Today, with its strong national and international scientific ties, the French Académie des sciences is establishing a Committee of Scientists for Ukraine (CSU) to:
• Welcome, accompany and support the Ukrainian scientific community, as well as the families of scientists, in their exile in France;
• Constitute a platform for the exchange of information with the Ukrainian scientific institutions and to support the researchers who remained in Ukraine;
• Accompany the educational teams welcoming children from Ukraine in classes in France, with the collaboration of the Foundation La main à la pâte.

The term « scientists » includes researchers and academics as well as health personnel, engineers, teachers and students.